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 Guide against imposters

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Guide against imposters Empty
PostSubject: Guide against imposters   Guide against imposters I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 7:16 am

Okay, this Guide is made by me and it's made to be sure, that some player is an admin. This Guide is useful if someone is asking for his adminlevels in server. I did this Guide because I was testing how easy it was to get adminlevels from admins, and it turned out to be really simple. I managed to get adminlevels 5/5 times I tried it. I won't reveal any names exept to Supremes/Founders if they really wan't to know.

Okay, lets begin!

Tip 1)
This tip works if the imposter is really stupid. Lets say he has picked a random username and wrapped it in +GoD tags. You simply go to the forums and check the clanbase that he should be in. (Based on the colors of his tags)
For example:

+GoD|RandomPlayer: Hey, I'm recruiter can you set me level 8?

Always when someone asks for adminlevels, prepare yourself and not just say ok here you go! In this case you should go to check the Roster and find Recruiter. If he's there go to the next step. If he isn't there on the rosters take care of him as the guidelines say. I'm not sure how they are, but I would ban the player permanent, immediately.

Tip 2)

Always use silenced commands in tips 3 and 4. If you use a command like !userlist so that the player can see it, he will propably be gone before you even notice.

Tip 3)
The !userlist command. This is very useful, propably the best way to get someone caught from impostering. Type in console !userlist -name [playername], this will give you the players ID (a piece of "code" that contains letters and numbers[no uppercase letters]), full name of the player, players level, the IP address of the player and last time when the player was seen online.
You can use this command for example the following way (I'll use my RandomPlayer as an example):

+GoD|RandomPlayer: Hey, I'm recruiter, can you set me level 8?

Type in console: /!userlist -name RandomPlayer (Use the / before a command to hide it. Not avaible under recruiter levels.)
You will see that RandomPlayer's ID is c4fg2hj1, and his level is Fresh Meat. The IP of RandomPlayer is and hes last seen Sun Jan 22 11:11:11. The IP is propably the best thing, you might also see that there are two exactly same named players. This doesn't mean that RandomPlayer is the real RandomPlayer. You have to check the IP's of the two RandomPlayers, if they match go to the next step. If they don't match you need to get a decent explanation from RandomPlayer why he has different IP than the real RandomPlayer who has level Server Recruiter. If the RandomPlayer is an imposter, he propably has level 0 in the server, because no-one has given him his admins yet. If RandomPlayer can't explain why he has different IP address, ask him to leave the server or warn him from impostering. If he still refuces to leave, BAN!

Just to clarify: The ID doesn't matter if it isn't the same on both RandomPlayers. ID will change for example if you re-install your ET.

Tip 4)

!seen command. You can use the !seen also before !userlist command, but !userlist is much more useful than !seen.
Type in console: /!seen [Player]. This will show you when the player has been online for the last time. !seen [Player] will show all the players that are in the
!userlist (Which is the whole server database) with a precise player name.

Example for use:

+GoD|RandomPlayer: Hey, I'm recruiter, can you set me level 8?

You: When were you last time online?
You: (Type in console) /!seen RandomPlayer
Console will put out this:
seen: +GoD|RandomPlayer is currently online
seen: +GoD|RandomPlayer 17hours, 31minutes, 12seconds ago

If you see 2 RandomPlayers, that means that there are two different RandomPlayers been on the server, other one being our imposter.

+GoD|RandomPlayer: I was online a week ago, and now my admins are gone! =(

Well, you should see from here what's going on. He lied to you that he was online a week ago, when !seen command shows he was online 17 hours ago. Here is a step where you can ban him once again.

Tip 5)
Private message on forums. This is the most sure way to know that it's really him. Ask him to send a private message to you on forums, and ask in server when he has joined GDC. You'll see from the RandomPlayer's profile when he has registered on +GoD's forums. If he has registered today, and hes asking you for recruiter admin, you should know that he can't join in on one day and at the same day be a recruiter. Of course it's possible but very unlikely. Here's another moment when your bells should ring.
And heres yet another example:

+GoD|RandomPlayer: Hey, I'm recruiter in server, can you set me level 8?

You: When have you joined in +GoD? And have you registered on forums?

+GoD|RandomPlayer: I joined +GoD a month ago, and yes I have registered on forums.

You: Send me a PM on forums then, my username on forums is: [YourUsernameOnForums]

+GoD|RandomPlayer: Ok, I'll send you a PM.

Now he's sending you a private message, after you receive the message, go to his profile and check when he has joined. If it's near one month (Of course you can't remember the day and time you joined) you can believe him. It's very unlikely that someone would see so much effort to get few adminlevels, that he would hack someones forum password.

Again, if the player doesn't send you a private message don't set his admins to him, it's pretty sure hes an imposter. In this case, if you ask someone to send a private message to you on forums and he is an imposter, he will propably disconnect fastly. This Forum Private Messaging should be used by people at ETPro and NoQuarter server's since they don't have the !userlist command, like JayMod server's do.
And that's about it. There's not really any better ways of being sure that someone really is an admin in some server.
If you readed the whole Guide through you really seem to care that you don't hurt the server that your an admin in. Spread this Guide so that every admin and members too, have seen it!
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