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Runescape private server! I_vote_lcapRunescape private server! I_voting_barRunescape private server! I_vote_rcap 
Runescape private server! I_vote_lcapRunescape private server! I_voting_barRunescape private server! I_vote_rcap 
Runescape private server! I_vote_lcapRunescape private server! I_voting_barRunescape private server! I_vote_rcap 
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Runescape private server! I_vote_lcapRunescape private server! I_voting_barRunescape private server! I_vote_rcap 
Runescape private server! I_vote_lcapRunescape private server! I_voting_barRunescape private server! I_vote_rcap 
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 Runescape private server!

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Age : 30
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Runescape private server! Empty
PostSubject: Runescape private server!   Runescape private server! I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 9:47 am

hi all,

im trying to make a runsescape private server, thats a 'hacked' version of the game runescape where skilling is much more fun and levels goes alooooooot faster... for example you can get 99attack in only 2-4 hours playing, money making is much easier and goes much faster... for example: most of the peoples pk's with full bandos and dfs shield and whip or with no shield and a dfs... u can make millions in no-time...
its really funny, thats for shure....

but the problem is that could use some help because its alot of work to make a nice ful working RSPS...
if any GOD member can help me of already made a RSPS i would like that this players would contact me by PM and MSN...
of course they will get admin rights on my server...

the people that are reading this atm but cant make 1 and really want to take a look if my RSPS came out, than i would like to say that that people send me a PM and i will tell them wen the server will be online and how they can get into the game...

I hope ill get nice responds on this...

Greets Desort!
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